Well, that marks 7 dead people I've seen in less that 2 years in China. Guy on a motorcycle totally got creamed by a car on the highway.
Part of me wants to ask, "Why doesn't this stuff happen in the US as often as it happens here?" And then I remember that Chinese people are the worst drivers I've ever seen in my life, living up to every stereotype imaginable, and never obey any traffic laws (not that they have that many here to begin with).
LBS: A Pastey White Guy's Perspective
I started PWG as a way to keep in touch with my friends and family when I moved to China back in 2005. My three years living in Yantai were fantastic and the blog did well in that purpose. Now that I'm moving to London to start my MBA at the London Business School, PWG will take on a new purpose: to describe the life of an MBA student so as to help prospective students decide if pursuing and MBA is right for them. Oh, and to tell embarrassing/funny stories to my family.